Job Classification
Whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student, or a student holding a work-study or academic position, all jobs held by student employees at UNC will be classified as either SHRA or EHRA. It is important to understand the classification of the job you are applying to, accepting, or working, as things such as logging hours, frequency of paychecks, and benefits vary by classification. The following information provides an overview of the different types of classifications that your job can fall under.
Most on-campus jobs for student employees, particularly undergraduate students, are considered SHRA, which simply means the position is subject to the North Carolina Human Resources Act. The primary difference between SHRA and other types of positions is that you will need to log hours worked at the start and end of each shift, and you will receive a paycheck biweekly (i.e., once every two weeks). Student employees working SHRA positions are not eligible to receive benefits or insurance, and are not able to participate in any paid leave or paid time off programs, nor do they receive paid holidays.
Other on-campus jobs, typically research or academic positions held by graduate students – including students in Master’s, Ph.D., and Professional programs – are considered EHRA. The primary difference between EHRA and other types of positions is that you may not be required to log hours worked at the start and end of each shift, and you will receive a paycheck monthly (i.e., once a month).