Benefits Eligibility
If you are a graduate student working in an academic position, such as a Graduate Research Assistant or Graduate Teaching Assistant position, you may be eligible for health insurance and tuition remission benefits.
Graduate students working academic positions – including Graduate Research Assistants, Graduate Teaching Assistants, and Fellows or Trainees – may be eligible for the Graduate Student Health Insurance Plan (GSHIP). Eligible students are enrolled by their individual academic departments and must waive out of the mandatory (Student Blue) plan. For more information on eligibility requirements and instructions on how to enroll visit The Graduate School or Campus Health.
Please note that as a UNC student, you are required to have health insurance coverage. If you are not eligible for GSHIP, there is a cost-effective UNC-sponsored Student Health Insurance Plan available to students that covers most health care expenses not covered by the Campus Health Fee. If you do not wish to participate in the UNC Student Health Insurance Plan you must submit a waiver each semester. Visit Campus Health for more information on mandatory health insurance.
Graduate students may be eligible for tuition and fee awards based on their appointment type and other criteria. Visit The Graduate School for more information and resources.