Resolving Paycheck Problems
To avoid paycheck-related problems, it is important to ensure that student employees are logging hours correctly in TIM and that you as a supervisor, are approving student employee’s timecards in TIM regularly and on time. That being said, during your payroll validation, or if it’s brought to your attention by a student employee or supervisor, you may discover a discrepancy in a student employee’s timecard. The most common discrepancies are the result of an improper time punch or a student employee with multiple positions logging hours for the wrong position.
Depending on the timing of the discovery and your role, you may need to resolve the problem yourself or direct the issue to the appropriate TIM Manager or department TIM Administrator. Visit Payroll Services for more information on the role and responsibilities of student employee supervisors serving as TIM Managers and to access the TIM Manual for TIM Managers and Administrators.
In the event you are unable to remedy the issue, contact your hiring representatives or department’s TIM Administrator for further assistance.